Communication Tips During COVID-19 in the Workplace

To date, there have been more than 100,000 reported cases of the disease in at least 114 countries. To support organizations, leaders and teams during this uncertain time, I created the following communication tips. Feel free to swipe this copy to use in your organization. I hope this helps. If you or your leaders need additional external executive or leadership coaching support, please complete the contact page information, I can help coach your leaders through this difficult time.


COVID 19 Healthy Workplace Communication Tips:

  • If you are feeling unwell, stay home! Your fellow co-workers, customers and peers will appreciate you NOT sharing your germs, whatever they may be!

  • Continue to practice good hygiene - washing hands for at least 30 seconds.

  • Please wipe down your workspace, desk and laptop regularly and thoroughly with wipes. 

  • Please know that as a workplace, we are offering antibacterial wipes and alcohol-based hand sanitizer in common areas.

  • Limit unnecessary large group events - if you can connect virtually - please do so.

  • If you feel you may have come in contact with the virus - follow the protocols on the CDC website and take the appropriate next steps.

  • [Insert any additional sanitization updates the cleaning crews are taking to make the workplace safe for all involved]

  • [Insert any additional work remote policies, operational updates or wellness precautions]

  • [Share what your organization is doing to take preventive measures including remote work policies, etc.]

  • Here is a summary of our infection control policies, designed to help keep you safe: (list out)

 As organizations, leaders, executive coaches and HR practitioners - it’s important to lead by example. Keep open lines of communication, follow the CDC guidelines. Keep perspective. And above all, stay calm, focused and well.

Below are a few additional reputable websites with resources and information as well:


World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Microsite

World Health Organization (WHO) Advice for Public


Leadership and the Silver Linings of Coronavirus


11 Productivity Tips for Being Your Best Self During COVID-19