My mission is to help high-achievers unlock their potential with greater clarity, intention and alignment so they can live intentionally and build their careers authentically.

Abby Norman Leadership Coach

My Signature Coaching Method is called Aligned Potential.

I coach the whole person, so while our focus may be on your career, mindset, leadership or life goals, I’ll also take a holistic approach so you can thrive from the inside-out. I have been working with leaders for nearly fifteen years, certified in multiple coaching modalities and yoga teacher certified and pilates reformer certified - I bring a depth and range to my coaching clients and the work.

So How Does it work? It’s All About You!

Coaching is all about you - your goals, your dreams, your experience and where you want to go next. Together, we’ll create your Aligned Potential (™) success journey plan. I’ll be with you and guide you along your journey to reach your fullest and aligned potential. We’ll address and remove blocks, I’ll support you with your unique mindset shifts, and share recommended resources, actions, and reflections to maximize your coaching experience. Through inquiry, insights, reflection, and with your commitment, taking action and engagement on your part, your goals will come alive.


Hi Busy Go-Getter!

I see you.

Maybe you’ve been chasing down goals, projects, quotas, deals, accolades, promotions and flat out hustling through your career.

Only to wake up one day — and pause, look around — and ask yourself,
“Is this all there is?”

Maybe you’ve been sleep walking (literally and figuratively — working parents, I see you too!) through your career and life and now you want something different.

Or maybe you’re realizing that the skills and effort that got you here won’t get you to the next level of where you want to be.

How it works


1. Connection Call

This is for you to share with me where you are at and for me to better understand what you are looking for in a coach. We’ll explore the possibility of working together. It’s equally an opportunity for us to both discuss if we think this coaching relationship is a good fit. You do not need to have your goals fully defined yet - we can work through goal setting as part of our work together. I only work with clients that I believe I can truly help. This 15-20 minute call is our chance to see if we can work together.


2. Book an Aligned Coaching Package

Once we’ve connected and decide to work together, I’ll send pricing and packaging information. Once payment is received, we’ll set up our sessions. I can customize coaching packages to fit your goals.

We’ll meet via Zoom. 100% confidential, personalized to fit your goals. We’ll create a customized success path. I have also attended and shadowed meetings in order to provide additional insight and feedback.


3. Aligned Maintenance

I’ve had the pleasure of working with many leaders and success stories, and every story is different! I take a customized and aligned approach with every leader I work with. After you’ve completed your initial coaching package, we can explore maintenance packages and a transition plan, should you want a bit more support! I really enjoy maintenance coaching as we can use this to build on the foundation we’ve already created and keep the momentum going forward as you reach your next peak potential in your career and life. This is also great during career transitions, promotions into new roles, or anytime you need additional 1:1 support. I’ve got you.

4. Aligned Upgrades

I also offer the following one-off services: Aligned Breakthrough Session (90 mins), Aligned Career, Aligned & EFT Career Mindset Tapping Session. These are my one-off services and an easy way to get started working with me.

5. Aligned Peak Performance

My corporate offering. Schedule to scope a customized offering to help unlock the peak performance and potential for your top talent aligned with your business and organizational needs.

I help leaders reach their goals by living intentionally and leading authentically. I help goal-getters align and thrive from the inside-out.

I also offer courses on these topics.

Additional ways we can work together



he Shift Positive™ method is a new and unique way of gathering and giving feedback that's grounded in positive psychology and focuses on engaging the leader's "people system" throughout the change process.

EFT Career Confidence

Emotional Freedom Technique is a tapping technique used to unlock the potential and blocks that may be holding you back. Tap into your intuition and confidence. A great way to reset.

Certified Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a great way to uncover your deepest desires and what’s consciously and sub-consciously holding you back. I’ll walk you through the process and you’ll leave more free and ready to take on your next challenge.


“I’ve been working with Abby for over six months and decided to pursue a management “track” for the first time in my Engineering career. I worked hard and with her coaching, felt completely prepared for every stage of the internal interview process including Global leaders. And I got the job.” - NetApp Sr. Manager

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“What we know matters,
but who we are matters more.”

— Brene Brown

Success Stories:


“Thank you for your continued commitment to coaching our leaders, especially in these unsettling times and already making an impact! We are grateful we get to partner with you in helping our leaders grow!”

— Salesforce


“Amazing sessions with Abby! Great exercises to help me overcome places where I’ve been stuck and also challenge me to think differently and grow as a leader!”

“Abby provided the perfect balance between processing and practicality! Such a valuable use of my time. Thank you!”


“Abby’s helped me reframe many long held thoughts about my capabilities that have directly affected the way I now manage my team and my business group.”

“My coaching experience with Abby was truly transformational. It provided me with the motivational boost, encouragement and the caring support I didn’t know I needed.

With her coaching I was able to reframe my career path and level up my journey towards my professional goals.

If you are working through a challenge in professional life or considering building up your leadership skills, I strongly recommend coaching with Abby.”

- Renuka B, Connectivity Ecosystems Programs at Facebook

Abby Norman Leadership Coach

What to expect when you work with me

  • Actionable insights and practical tips including: mindset shifts, hacks, tips and habits that easily integrate into your work, leadership, career and busy life

  • A weekly or bi-weekly intentional “pause” in your busy life - dedicated to work on your goals, dreams and the changes you want to bring forward

  • Exploration and curiosity

  • Creativity and possibility 

  • Empathy and a sense of belonging

  • Honesty, integrity and confidentiality 

  • To be challenged and for you to challenge back

  • To celebrate and recognize your progress and wins

  • Co-creating accountability and ownership with you

  • Resources to help support you and belief in your collective resourcefulness in finding options

  • Flexibility - agile in goal-setting, adjusting the course and journeying on as we explore new paths forward

  • Fun - life’s short, let’s have fun along the way

  • Growth Mindset - I’m always learning, researching, and bring the latest leadership, career and mindset practices to my coaching practice and clients

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